包装指导方针 - 九州体育平台入口-九州体育平台入口

When a student applies for financial aid, funds usually come from more than one source (federal, state, private, etc.) and the combination of financial resources is referred 作为包装. Once your financial need is determined, you will be awarded aid in the following order until your need has been met or until no additional funds are 可用. Please note that State programs are always subject to an approved state 预算.

The academic award year for 2023-2024 at 九州体育平台入口 covers Fall 2023, Spring 2024年和2024年夏季.

Awarding 金融援助 Guidelines:

  1. The Expected Family Contribution (EFC) used in awarding financial aid at Crafton Hills College as a result of the Free Application for Federal 学生资助(FAFSA) will be calculated by the Central Processing System (CPS).
  2. The Federal Pell Grant is the foundation of the financial aid package, and eligibility is based on the Expected Family Contribution (EFC). Congress legislates the formula that determines an applicant’s ability to contribute toward their cost of education. The Expected Family Contribution (EFC) results from the Free Application for Federal 学生资助(FAFSA). For dependent students, the EFC results from a combination of the parent and student income and asset information. For independent students, the EFC results from the student and spouse's (if married) income and asset information.
  3. Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) is awarded to Federal Pell Grant recipients with the lowest Expected Family Contribution. A ranking of first-priority applicants will be completed to identify the students who will receive these awards, ordered by the date FAFSA was submitted and file completed at 九州体育平台入口. The maximum FSEOG award is $1,000. Special 项目 maximum award amount is $3,000. 
  4. Award packages are created based on expected full-time enrollment. 拨款已发放 on a prorated basis based on enrollment.
  5. The College reserves the right to issue adjusted award letters when errors occur in 计算奖励.
  6. Students must log on to the 金融援助 自助服务 through Web Advisor to view their financial aid awards, required documents, and status.



The California Promise Grant Waiver (BOGW) will be automatically accepted.

NOTE: 九州体育平台入口 has a large applicant pool and limited funding allocations. Not all students meeting the priority deadline are awarded funds from all programs.

支付进度 and Method

金融援助 will be disbursed according to the 支付进度. If the first disbursement date is missed, then the first disbursement will be on the subsequent disbursement.


If a student has been over-awarded and has federal aid other than the Federal Pell Grant, the other federal aid will be reduced until the over-award is eliminated (starting with self-help aid first).


A student will be sent a revised 金融援助 Award Notification email when other awards are added or modified because a student is eligible for additional awards and/or to correct an over-award. All awards are 可用 for the student to view on the 金融援助 自助服务 via Web Advisor.